What Uprooting My Entire Life Has Taught Me
The Pushing Beauty Podcast - A podcast by Michelle D'Avella

Uprooting my life (4 times!) has transformed me in the best ways possible, but the journey wasn't easy. In this video, I share my path from Philly to Hawaii to New Jersey to Los Angeles and back to Philly again. Stay tuned for the end where I share my thoughts and feelings about finding a sense of belonging. Learn more about my work at https://www.pushingbeauty.com/ Learn to love yourself through my program Good Love: https://www.thegoodlovecourse.com/ Get Breathwork for Opening for free: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/6246f79ab3be600de2a271b2 Join my free weekly newsletter: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/622a2a3178ab99224ea6e6f0 Show Notes: Embracing Change: https://www.pushingbeauty.com/selfstudy/p/embracing-change Get Embracing Change + 30 other guided Breathwork meditations inside Divine Passage: https://www.pushingbeauty.com/divine-passage