In conversation with Director of Development, James Bailey
The QEH Podcast - A podcast by QEH Bristol

#014 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll be interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school. Today we’re talking to Director of Development at QEH Bristol, James Bailey. James will talk us through why exactly it’s so important that schools keep in touch with their alumni, why independent schools sometimes have a better alumni network than state schools and whether students who return to QEH look back fondly at their time in school. But we also find out about some of the upcoming events James is planning and how they’ve been affected by the pandemic. That’s all coming up in this episode so come with me while we speak to the Director of Development, James Bailey. QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: qehsixthformLinkedIn: QEH Bristol