RAGE Session: What's The Sats Target?

The RAGE Podcast - The Resuscitationist's Awesome Guide to Everything - A podcast by Chris Nickson, Cliff Reid, Karel Habig, and the RAGE team

A RAGE session featuring Karel Habig, Cliff Reid, and Chris Nickson: Introduction... kind of (starts 00:00 min) ‘What’s bubbling up?’ (starts 04:48 min) — an ED checklist for cognitive debiasing, are 'cold' platelets ready for primetime, the ART trial and the open lung approach to ventilation using recruitment manoeuvres ‘What's The Sats Target?’ (starts 22:55 min) — the RAGE team discuss what SpO2 targets to aim for, in which patients and diseases, and the tricks and traps of real-world clinical practice. ‘A blast from the past’ by Chris Nickson on ‘Rudolph Virchow’ (starts  52:52 min) ‘Words of Wisdom’ from Cliff Reid (starts  57:10 min)