The newest innovation in hair color...your clients are going to love it

The Real Beauty Industry - A podcast by Ashley Toliver


Our industry is evolving and so is technology. Here is a new, innovative tool created by one of the largest hair color manufacturers in the world. How changes like this affect our industry and what we can do about it.-----------------------------Thank you for helping us spread this message. This doesn’t happen without you!Please share this episode with someone you know. If you share this on social media, be sure to tag @therealbeautyindustry, so we can reshare your story. If you have an ideas, questions or great guests you would like me to interview, please email [email protected]. You will be acknowledged in our content.Follow for new episodes.Leave a Review to let us know how we're doing.Follow:@therealbeautyindustry@fuserepublic@ashleytoliverwilliamsSalon: @fringesalonhouston⁠Save on Foil & Gloves⁠Salon Business Education | Salon Owner Education | Salon Business Coach | Salon Industry Podcast