247: Live Abundantly Now – Friday Fundamentals

The Real Estate Way to Wealth and Freedom - A podcast by Jacob Ayers


As Keith Weinhold says, the abundance mentality is scarce, and the scarce mentality is abundant. This is so true. On the surface, this sounds simple. But we're going to dive into this and explore how to live abundantly now. Even successful entrepreneurs and sophisticated real estate investors can lose sight of this. I don't want you to try to sacrifice, skimp, and shrink your way to wealth. In fact, it's not even possible. But there's something ingrained in our DNA that says to do those things. The basics we take for granted today haven't always been so certain for our ancestors and even still a large part of the world today, like food, shelter, clean water, much less wealth, success, and a life of prosperity. As a loyal listener of the show,  you understand that you are capable of living a life of abundance. But are you living abundantly now? After all, that is the point. If not now, then when? A life of abundance doesn't start once you've "made it". It doesn't start after you've become successful. It starts today. Living abundantly is just as much a mindset as it is a lifestyle. In particular, real estate investors tend to be guilty at postponing the abundance mentality under the premise of saving for that next deal and building an empire. How to Live Abundantly Live abundantly now. Embrace the abundance mentality in your day to day life. If you start thinking abundantly, you will start acting abundantly, and then you will live abundantly. Let's look at some ways in which you can live abundantly now. Reward yourself for small wins. Every time I close on a new rental property, I go on a short trip. Livin abundantly doesn't have to be extravagant. You can live abundantly and not break the bank. For example, you could take a mid-week getaway to remind yourself of what having freedom feels like. Want to explore a local national or state park? Pick up and go do that. By doing the things you like, you're reminded why it is you work so hard towards building a life you want. Another way is to go to conferences. I know this may sound strange. At conferences, you network with all different types of people, who can remind you that there is so much success in the world. So next time you see that conference advertisement, go check it out. Living abundantly doesn't necessarily mean posting videos of your 3 different supercars, taking luxurious vacations, or donning a collection of expensive watches. Living abundantly can mean living a life you want without any limits. Think abundantly. Act abundantly. Live abundantly. But don't stop there. Encourage others to do the same. Not everyone shares this mentality. Remember, the abundance mentality is scarce. It's up to you to create a life of abundance for yourself. Remember, there is no ceiling to success. So get out there and engineer a lifestyle you deserve filled with abundance.