5.34 The Department of Mysteries

The Real Weird Sisters: The Archive - A podcast by Alice Asleson & Martha Krebill


Ministry of Magic security protocols turn out to be alarmingly cavalier as Dumbledore's Army begins its rescue mission. Not a soul is in sight as the group encounters the tank of brains, the Benjamin Button (well, not really Benjamin Button) Bell Jar, and the infamous veil for the first time. It's not all fun and games, though, as the Department of Mysteries claims its first victim-- that's right, say goodbye to the handy penknife. :(Please consider supporting us on Patreon! www.patreon.com/realweirdsisters.Spoiler warning! Please be aware that our show contains spoilers for events which take place later in the series.Book club episodes are released every Monday and special topics shows are released periodically. Subscribe to our show to make sure you never miss an episode!