Reiki and Your Intellectual Fuel

The Reiki Lifestyle Podcast - A podcast by Colleen and Robyn Benelli

In this community Q&A Colleen discusses using Reiki to define your intellectual Fuel. What inputs are your receiving on a daily basis? From media, social media, books, to your friends and family, and the your daily surroundings-in this episode Colleen covers how you can use Reiki to make positive input choices and even change the course of your day. Colleen also covers giving and receiving and utilizing the divine masculine and feminine. Quick meditation and mindfulness methods are also discussed and how Colleen uses Reiki in these practices to help herself listen for the answers she may be seeking. She also answers questions from callers as well as questions emailed from you, the listener.   Colleen can be reached at: [email protected]   Her schedule of Reiki classes can also be found on her website at: