The 3 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid when Searching for Remote Jobs [S1/E9]

The Remote Hive Podcast - A podcast by Darren Cronian


In this week's episode of This Remote Life, I share what are the 3 biggest mistakes to avoid when finding remote jobs. It's important to realise that you have a global audience applying for remote jobs, compared when you apply for a local job, only people who live within the city will apply. Take time to show case your skills, network with people who can help you find a remote job and be pro-active when it comes to the search.  If you would like to receive my FREE guide on how to find a remote job,, please subscribe to The Vine, a free monthly email to help people transition from the 9-5 and corporate life to becoming a remote worker.  Send your questions for future episodes to hello [at] to get them answered.