3 Steps to Taking Your Thoughts Captive

The Renewed Mind with Ashley Varner - A podcast by The Renewed Mind

You can do a lot of things to change your life, but if you don't change your thinking first, your actions won't be long lasting. There's a lot of talk about mindset work right now, but this is a Christian idea. Paul told the Romans thousands of years ago to be transformed by the renewing of their mind. Today I'm sharing 3 steps to taking your thoughts captive and why it's so important. These 3 steps will absolutely change your life if you apply them!   Unstable emotions are a sign that you're not taking your thoughts captive. Your circumstances have no DIRECT impact on your emotions. We all grow up thinking that our feelings are a direct result of your circumstances. The thoughts you have about your circumstances are what determine your emotions. Free Video Training: https://ashleyvarner.com/training Example of the Fiery Furnace Example of last year's Super Bowl The Thinking Triangle Thoughts --> Emotions --> Actions Circumstances aren't anywhere in there. Because every circumstance is neutral. Circumstances are just the unemotional, provable facts of things going on around you. Thoughts are sentences in your mind, and you don't have to believe everything you think. That starts with taking your thoughts captive. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says, "For thought we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ." Step 1: Be aware of what you're thinking. - You have God's help to control your thinking. - It starts by being aware of what you're thinking. Step 2: Check your thoughts against God's Word. - We demolish strongholds by seeing if our thoughts set themselves up against the knowledge of God. - If they line up, then they past the test. - If they don't line up, then they have to go. Free Resource: Truth Journaling  Free Resources   Step 3: Take the thoughts that don't line up captive. - Look in God's Word for truth that changes your thinking. - It will take time. - In the free video training, I go more in-depth about neuro-pathways and how they work in regards to changing our thinking. Ways to Jump Start Renewing Your Mind - The Mindset Reset: 6 Week Self-Paced Course -  Mindset Reset Sales Page - Get on the Waitlist of 180Confidence -  180Confidence Waitlist