95 | A Resilient Retail Pep Talk

The Resilient Retail Game Plan - A podcast by Catherine Erdly - Thursdays


Whether it’s via 1-2-1 calls or strategy meetings, through my mentoring sessions or community chat, or in-person and at live events, as you’d expect, I speak to many, many product business owners on a daily basis.  And when you literally ‘talk shop’ day-to-day, as I do, you begin to not only start seeing patterns in the way that businesses operate and the ways in which the industry works, but you also gain important insights into the personal experiences of founders - and the main thing I’m hearing at the moment is that things feel tough. So, in episode 95 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I want to give you a bit of a pep talk. I in no way want to diminish or underestimate the effect that inflation, the war in Ukraine, the cost of living and energy costs are having on everyone's lives (business owner or not). What I do want to do is help you focus on the things that are within your control and help you to feel more sure-footed in a time of great instability. In this podcast, we’ll discuss the risks inherent in blaming poor sales on external factors, and the importance of asking more of yourself. We’ll also talk about revitalising your products and why securing a supplementary income could be the best thing for your business.