142: TIM CULBERTSON Interview - Battlestar Galactica - 45th Anniversary Part 4
The RETROZEST Podcast - A podcast by Curtis Lanclos

On Episode 142 of the RETROZEST podcast, Curtis continues the celebration the 45th Anniversary of the premiere of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA! This show is an American science fiction media franchise created by Glen A. Larson. It began with the original television series in 1978, and was followed by a short-run sequel series (Galactica 1980), a line of book adaptations, original novels, comic books, a board game, video games and a reboot series. Assisting Curtis in this endeavor with an exclusive interview is TIM CULBERTSON, a former stuntman & actor who served on BSG as a Cylon Centurion. Additionally, Tim appeared in films like Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Cheech and Chong's Next Movie, An Eye for an Eye and The Jerk; as well as TV shows like The Love Boat, WKRP in Cincinnati, Captain America (wherein he was a stunt double for Reb Brown) and Laverne & Shirley. In fact, speaking of Laverne & Shirley, his girlfriend for many years until her recent passing was Cindy Williams. At one point, he was also the tour manager for the late Jerry Lee Lewis., and was in a Schlitz Beer Commercial with Teri Garr. BTW, If you are looking for a cool BSG Uniform Shirt for a costume, please visit judysemporium.com. They have both Colonial Warrior (beige) and Colonial Officer (blue) replica shirts for less than $40! Incidentally, you may help the RetroZest podcast by purchasing a unique BATTLESTAR GALACTICA T-Shirt or two (many different designs and colors!) from our store at store.retrozest.com/bsg. Browse the entire store at store.retrozest.com/home. You may also help the RetroZest Podcast by purchasing a Celebrity Video Message gift for a friend/family member from CelebVM! Choose from celebrities like Barry Williams, Gary Busey, Ernie Hudson, Robert Fripp, Right Said Fred, etc.! Simply enter their website through our portal store.retrozest.com/celebvm, and shop as you normally would; it's no extra cost to you at all! Contact Curtis at [email protected], or via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Also, check us out on TikTok!