Why Believe in the Catholic Church?
The Road to Emmaus with Scott Hahn - A podcast by Scott Hahn - Wednesdays
Everyone faces doubt, but today it seems that the challenge of unbelief is greater than ever before. Many denounce the Church and her doctrines in the face of objections. While the human leadership of the Church hasn’t always been perfect throughout her history, the Church herself is nothing less than God’s invitation into His divine family. Scott Hahn looks at why we should believe in God’s promise of His Church. Learn More One of the most common objections to the Catholic Church is against the Eucharist as Christ’s Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. Learn why we believe in the Real Presence in the video study The Eucharist in Scripture. What does it mean to call God Father? Learn more in this free article by Scott Hahn. Explore the treasury of the Catholic faith. The Catholic for a Reason series features today’s leading Catholic scholars on the most commonly asked questions.