Episode 004 | Self Care: BECAUSE not SO THAT

The Rookie Writer Show - A podcast by H. Dair Brown, The Rookie Writer Show Host


It stands to reason that it’s easier to do anything when you feel good and have energy and focus. While it can be easy to submit to what I call “Floating Head Syndrome,” where you pretend that your body is in no way connected to that busy brain of yours, you will be well-served by taking a little time and space to take care of the things you need to in order to remain (or become) pain-free, energetic, and focused.

So, yes, taking care of yourself will make you more productive. And this is a website and podcast focused on writing productivity, so of course it makes sense for me to advocate this one.


I’m going to advocate that you do this irrespective of the fact that it will make you more productive. I want you to do this simply BECAUSE you love yourself, NOT SO THAT you can do . . . well. . .anything.

You may want to consider tracking some or all of these at least some of the time, even informally. Again, because I want to urge you to treat yourself like you would the person or thing you most adore and cherish:

* Quiet Time – Do you have at least a few minutes every day to just be? Whether you pray, meditate, or just look around, it’s good for you. If you make some time for it, you will be amazed at what it does for you. * Movement – This doesn’t have to be a cross-fit class, I promise. Play with the kids. Take a walk. Bike to the store maybe instead of driving there. Dance around. Throw a little extra oomph into that yardwork or housework. Or, yeah, take a class or hop on a treadmill. 30 minutes more days than not will change how you feel about yourself.* Hydration – Drink more water. It’s as close as we’re ever going to get to the magic pill or the fountain of youth. * Nourishment – I don’t think there’s one perfect diet, but I will say that I don’t think you can ever go wrong throwing in extra servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. * Sleep – The experts are sticking by their recommendation of 8 hours. Do your best. However much sleep you can manage right now, if you can, try to make it semi-consistent. * Play – Remember that? Something just for fun? And while binge-watching and video games are fun, maybe consider also trying something a little more proactive and tactile sometimes. Maybe a game of cards? Learn to cook something new? Go out to a concert or a play? Try your hand at painting, whittling, whistling, flower arranging. Whatever. As long as your spirit frolics.

It’s about progress, not perfection, people. And we do it with love and joie de vivre.