S2/E1: Dear Writer, You Need to Quit by Becca Syme

The Rookie Writer Show - A podcast by H. Dair Brown, The Rookie Writer Show Host


If you listened to Episode 036, you may be expecting an episode about the different kinds of edits. We’ll get to that soon, I promise. Just not this episode. Stay tuned!

I’m changing things up!

Starting today, I’m launching a 2020 challenge for myself, and I’d like to invite you along for the ride. I’ve set a goal to read 52 books on writing this year — one for each week — and then share my highlights with my fellow Rookie Writers.

You can expect the following for every book I read:

* An introduction to the author so you have some idea who’s offering you their advice and expertise* A BRIEF overview of what kind of book you’re dealing with* A maximum of three (and only three) major suggestions or points made in the book and one tip

Beyond that, it’ll be up to you to decide whether or not it’s something you’d like to delve into further.

Enough for the intro. Let’s get to it!

Okay, I have to say this: I’ve kicked off this challenge with a winner: Dear Writer, You Need to Quit written by Becca Syme and published in 2019.

The author is Becca Syme, the woman behind The Better Faster Academy, which offers classes and individual coaching for writers. In addition, she produces a writing productivity podcast and YouTube series of her own called The QuitCast. For the past few years, she’s also been co-hosting a book marketing show and will soon be launching “Dear Becca,” a weekly coaching column. She’s earned a couple of Master’s Degrees in coaching-related fields and has worked with thousands of authors, many of them pulling in six- and seven-figure annual incomes.

She does not in any way promise that you will reach this income, by the way.

Becca would be the first to tell you that her communication style isn’t of the “blow sunshine up your wazoo” variety, but she delivers the kind of advice you probably need to hear in a clear and often humorous way. She is not without empathy for your situation, she just isn’t interested in letting you shine yourself on either. She wants to give you the kinds of tools to start coaching yourself to the levels of productivity that are right for you.

If you like Lisa Cron’s approach to plotting, you’re going to love Becca Syme’s approach to writing productivity. This is a book that dips into brain science and applies it to your situation.

She emphatically states that this isn’t a book of tips and tricks. This is a book designed to get you to ask yourself deep ques...