Episode 14 - Kara Wilson - Bachelor Season 19
The Roses That Be - A podcast by DB

This week I am joined by the wonderful Kara Wilson from Farmer Chris’ season of The Bachelor. We never really got the chance to learn about Kara while the season aired, so we start by getting to know who she is. We dive into her casting experience, being a great fit for Chris on paper, and why she chose to go on the show. We then talk about her night one experience and getting sent home. Later, we talk about where her life is at now and how The Bachelor played a part in meeting her husband. Follow The Roses That Be on social media to stay up-to-date on who will be on upcoming episodes, and to submit any questions you have for guests! Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RosesThatBePodcast Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rosesthatbe_podcast/?r=nametag Twitter - https://twitter.com/RosesThatBe_Pod For any of your audio production needs check out http://www.NiceGuyEnt.com or email [email protected]