International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

The Roys Report - A podcast by Julie Roys

Show Transcript An average of 11 Christians are reportedly killed every hour. In fact, Christians are the most oppressed people group in the world. This week on The Roys Report, we’ll be talking about the persecution of Christians with author and Radio host Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs. November 3rd is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. And I hope you can join us as we prepare for the day of prayer with this important episode of The Roys Report, this Saturday morning at 11 on AM 1160 Hope for Your Life and on Sunday night at 7 on AM 560 The Answer! Show Transcript Note: This transcript has been edited slightly for continuity. Segment 1: ANNOUNCER:  In the midst of all of today’s noise and confusion, we need a voice that cuts through the chaos to bring wisdom and clarity. Welcome to The Roys Report with Julie Roys—an hour-long show exploring critical issues related to faith and culture from a uniquely Christian perspective. Now, here’s your host, Julie Roys. JULIE ROYS:  An average of 11 Christians are reportedly killed every hour. In fact, Christians are the most persecuted people group in the world and it’s accelerating. Welcome to The Roys Report brought to you in part by Judson University. I’m Julie Roys. And today we’re going to be talking about the persecuted church. Next Sunday, November 3, is the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church. And Christians all over the world will be remembering their brothers and sisters who are imprisoned, beaten and even killed simply for expressing their faith. Here in the United States, we enjoy just an immense amount of freedom but persecution of Christians in certain parts of the world is at near genocide levels. If you’ve been following the headlines, you know that the Christian population in northern Syria is at risk of being annihilated by Turkish troops. But in nearby Palestine, the situation is also dire. Christians there are once numbered 1 ½ million, now, there are less than 120,000. Similarly, in Iraq, there were once a million and a half Christians there. That was before the US invasion in 2003. Now there’s only about 250,000. In Asia, persecution is also on the rise. According to a report published earlier this year by open doors, one in three Christians in Asia is suffering high levels of persecution. In China, persecution there is the worst it’s been in more than a decade. Some are saying it may be as bad or worse as it was since the Cultural Revolution ended in 1976. Just last weekend, Chinese authorities tore down a mega church. They actually began the demolition while Christians were worshipping inside the building. And what’s also alarming is that church that was demolished, it was actually on a government sanctioned list. So, this was a government sanctioned church. So now it seems that no church in China is safe. I’m not sure they ever were. But the persecution is getting more and more dire there. In North Korea, persecution is perhaps the worst that is anywhere in the world. And in Nigeria, at least 3,700 Christians were killed for their faith this year. That’s almost double from a year ago. But even with all this oppression in evil, the gospel still shines. About two months ago, I did a show on the church in Iran and even though there’s horrible persecution in Iran, the church is actually exploding there. In fact, some say the Iranian church is the fastest growing church in the world. So, we need to be praying. We need to be doing whatever we can to help the persecuted church. And joining me today to help us do that, and to tell us more about what’s going on in the church all over the world, is Todd Nettleton with Voice of the Martyrs. Todd has been with Voice of the Martyrs for more than 20 years. He’s traveled to more than 20 nations, interviewed hundreds of Christians who have endured persecution. So, Todd, welcome. It is such a privilege to have you join us. TODD NETTLETON:  Well, Julie, it’s great to be