Should Women Be Preachers?

The Roys Report - A podcast by Julie Roys

Guest Bios Show Transcript Should women be preachers? This week on The Roys Report, we’ll explore this question, which recently grabbed headlines, following comments by well-known pastor, John MacArthur.  When asked to give a pithy response about the preaching of Beth Moore, MacArthur responded, “Go Home,” This sparked major controversy. But what should Christians think about women preaching? And what does the Bible say? Join us for The Roys Report, this Saturday morning at 11 on AM 1160 Hope for Your Life, and on Sunday night at 7 on AM 560 The Answer! This Weeks Guests Dr. John Dickson John started out as a professional singer— songwriter but now works as a writer, speaker, historian and media presenter. He is the author of more than 15 books, and the presenter of three TV documentaries on the history of Christianity. He was Founding Director of Australia’s Centre for Public Christianity from 2007—2017. He teaches a course on the origins of Christianity at the University of Sydney and is the Distinguished Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Public Christianity at Ridley College, Melbourne. He is a Visiting Academic in the Faculty of Classics at Oxford University (2017- 2020), researching memory techniques in ancient education. Dr. Lina AbuJamra Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor and founder of Living with Power Ministries. Her vision is to bring hope to the world by connecting biblical answers to everyday life. A popular Bible teacher, blogger, and conference speaker, Lina has authored several books including: Thrive, Stripped, and Resolved. You can listen to Lina’s podcast on iTunes or Podbean and find her boosting your faith all over social media. Lina is the host of Today’s Single Christian on Moody Radio and of Morning Minutes, a daily audio devotional available on her website. Show Transcript Note: This transcript has been edited slightly for continuity. Segment 1:  ANNOUNCER:  In the midst of all of today’s noise and confusion, we need a voice that cuts through the chaos to bring wisdom and clarity. Welcome to The Roys Report with Julie Roys—an hour-long show exploring critical issues related to faith and culture from a uniquely Christian perspective. Now, here’s your host, Julie Roys. JULIE ROYS:  Women can do just about anything a man can do in our society. Yet, within many churches and denominations, women are barred from preaching. Is this biblical as some Christian leaders argue or is it misogynist, as some others say? Welcome to The Roys Report, brought to you in part by Judson University. I’m Julie Roys. And if you follow Christian media at all, you know there’s been quite a controversy, raging right now, concerning women preachers in the Evangelical Church. It all started about five months ago on Mother’s Day. That’s when popular women’s Bible teacher Beth Moore preached in a Southern Baptist Church. Now the official position of the Southern Baptist Church is that women cannot hold the office of a pastor. However, what Moore did was kind of step into this gray area of women preaching who are not pastors. And wow, did it create a stir. Christian leaders, for and against women preachers, began going at it on Facebook and Twitter. Several prominent pastors and bloggers wrote articles. And just as things were beginning to die down, John MacArthur, a popular author, pastor and host of the radio program Grace To You, ignited it again at an event at his church in mid-October. MacArthur said something many believed was disrespectful and demeaning of Moore. It happened while MacArthur was participating in a discussion on stage with Phil Johnson. Johnson is the Executive Director of Grace To You and moderating that discussion was Todd Friel. He’s the host of Wretched, a conservative Christian radio and