When is it a Good Time to Move In Together? - #118

The Ponder Ponder Podcast w/ Ruben Rezz - A podcast by Ruben Rezz

We recently received a question, When do you know it's a good time to move in together?  This is one of the biggest decisions of a couple's journey. So we dig deep into our own experience. Enjoy! What we discuss:  How to have the conversations Preparation for moving in Finances  Visualization of your futures Preparing for the worst case scenarios What we wished we did What we've done well/not well  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the show! Ruben Gutierrez is constantly pondering on the spirit of evolution, fitness, mental models, and how humankind can find integrative approaches to living in harmony with nature. Tune in for weekly episodes as he speaks to recent findings in the world, and life, recent books he's read, and has featured guests to discuss the wisdom gained from their experiences as well as their professions. All previous episodes can be found on every podcasting platform including my new Substack. Thank you for listening to the show. Don't forget to leave a review, share, and I'm always open to suggestions via IG or Twitter (handles below). Let's connect: Substack: https://rubenrezz.substack.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/rubenponders/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/rubenponders Tik Tok: @rubenponders Youtube: @rubenponders - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2PrSzAm0uaaggw2Op56H_w