#22: 5 Shifts to $100k Cash Months

The Sabrina Philipp Podcast - A podcast by Sabrina Philipp


Is this your year for scaling to seven-figures? Today I'm sharing with you the 5 shifts you need to make to hit and sustain $100k cash months. I had my first $100k cash month in September 2017, and in the five years since then my business has scaled well beyond that number. Tune in to learn what shifts you need to make to hit your first $100k cash month, and then keep making $100k+ months.. No one-hit wonders here! Just big, big piranhas who make big money. Here’s a look at what we cover in this episode: Sales strategies for scaling to seven-figuresPerspective shifts on hiring and systemsBest practices for scaling your income without scaling your hours Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed this episode, please share it on social media or with a friend!  And don’t forget to subscribe or follow The Sabrina Philipp Podcast to get notified when new episodes go live. Resources and Links: Check out The Millionaire MastermindFollow me on InstagramCheck out SabrinaPhilipp.com for tips on building an intentional, manageable, and profitable business.Subscribe and listen to The Sabrina Philipp PodcastReview The Sabrina Philipp Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.