5 Years. 5 Lessons. 5 Clients: Mindset with Lynette Hoyle

The Sabrina Philipp Podcast - A podcast by Sabrina Philipp


Do you trust yourself and your ability to have what you want?  Or, are you getting in your way by believing that you can’t receive more than you already have? The words you tell yourself have power.  And deciding that you deserve wealth and happiness is “Step One.”  Because your life changes the moment you decide to be your authentic self. To celebrate my 5 year business anniversary, I have invited 5 of my favorite clients to help me share 5 of the biggest lessons I've learned in scaling a multiple-seven-figure business. In this episode, I am joined by my amazing friend and client, Lynette Hoyle, a fitness coach and business coach. This year, she will be cracking the million dollar mark in her business.  Today, we’re talking about the importance of prioritizing mindset over strategy, how you have the power to have what you want, and why making money doesn’t have to be hard.  It can be fun and easy! Here’s a look at what we talked about: Why you should focus on mindset over strategy Receiving and holding space for wealth  11:35How to BE and become the person that makes good money  12:52The importance of making time for reflection and growth  20:46Why you should tweak the advice your business coach gives youBuilding trust and safety with yourself and money  34:24 Quotes: “...let yourself have the thing that's gonna make you happy. Otherwise, what are we doing on this planet?”  - Sabrina Philipp “And it's so cool to get exactly what you want instead of just what you think is good enough for me.”  - Lynette Hoyle “Because at the end of the day, it is yours. It's your business. And it's got to be what works for you, feels good for you, and to have a coach who supports you.” - Lynette Hoyle    26.45 “You have the ability and power to have whatever you want. And the first step to getting that is to believe that that is true.” - Lynette Hoyle   46.16 Connect with Lynette: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynettemarieh/ Website: http://lynettemariefitness.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lynettemariefitness/ Thanks for listening!  If you enjoyed this episode, share it on social media or with a friend!  And don’t forget to subscribe or follow The Sabrina Philipp Podcast to get notified when new episodes go live. Resources and Links: Follow me on InstagramCheck out SabrinaPhilipp.com for tips on building an intentional, manageable, and profitable businessSubscribe and listen to The Sabrina Philipp PodcastReview The Sabrina Philipp Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts