#72: Client Crush Case Study: Multiple-Six-Figures from A Coaching Certification

The Sabrina Philipp Podcast - A podcast by Sabrina Philipp


In today's Client Crush Case Study I'm introducing you to one of my clients who built a multiple-six-figure business by certifying other coaches in her unique methodology. You're about to learn: The value of playing the long-game How you can sell multiple offers by focusing on one The key to sustainable income growth Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please share it on social media or with a friend! And don’t forget to subscribe or follow The Sabrina Philipp Podcast to get notified when new episodes go live. Resources and Links: Want to hit six-figures? Sign up for The Wealthy Woman Accelerator Ready to scale to seven-figures? Apply for The Millionaire Mastermind Follow me on Instagram  Review The Sabrina Philipp Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.