025: Season 1 Finale, Money and Mindfulness, and A Special Announcement!

The Save Spend Invest Podcast - A podcast by The Save Spend Invest Podcast


Guys! 25 weeks, 5000+ downloads, very many late nights spent recording and editing plus many many dms later, we have reached the end of Season One for The Save Spend Invest podcast! What a ride and a journey it’s been! We’re by no means nearing our destination but instead taking a road stop to look around, take stock and plan onwards for our next ride. Thank you so much for sticking with me and sharing this podcast. For more information about the masterclass please visit ihwglobal.com/masterclass and follow @ihwglobal and @bukiiesmart for details. Stay in touch with me @savespendinvest on Twitter and Instagram and don’t forget to please rate and review this podcast on Apple podcasts. See you in May!