BEST OF TST - Remote Viewing World Mythology & the Rapture (3/8/24)

TST Radio - A podcast by Ryan Gable

BEST OF: Remote Viewing comprises the perceiving of information and imagery from a distance without any foreknowledge of a target. Despite these blind methods, the human is still subject to their own imagination, bias, emotions, environmental conditions, etc., in making their initial observation, and then later the interpretation of the same. The fact a group could essentially see the same thing in blind sessions could likely be explained by the collective unconscious and general archetypes. In the most recent Future Forecasting Group session the target H506-B3T9 was the rapture, and much of the material perceived clearly had to do more with mythology than literal events. This is the same group that in 2023 ‘predicted’ a major event by years’s end that never transpire. Before we can even consider Remote Viewing, however, there must be an esoteric analysis of the Rapture, Second Coming, Apocalypse, and Armageddon. Become a supporter of this podcast: