The Devil Wears Intifada (1/27/25)

TST Radio - A podcast by Ryan Gable

January 27th, 2025, is the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Nearly a century later it is still illegal in Germany and Israel to share certain facts, such as: between 1.1 and 1.5 million died at the camp for a variety of reasons, not 4 million specifically murdered Jews; that the photos and videos of liberation were staged by Russian communists to make themselves appear as heroes and the Germans as villains. Words such as “survivor” are stretched to include Jews living in the United States in the 1940s or Jews who are children or grandchildren of relatives in camps, which is the reason why despite so many supposedly being killed there are always new batches of survivors. Others words like “denial” are used to deny these facts and maintain narratives enforced via threat of fine and imprisonment, something that a new law in Israel now establishes for anyone questioning October 7, even though Israel had the Jericho battle plan of the attack at least 12 months prior. Words like Holocaust, too, which mean mass death by fire, are reserved only for Jews while the people or Dresden or Hiroshima are left out of the definition. The Trump administration has also decided to gift Israel the following during his first week in office: exemption from foreign aid pause, removal of sanctions for dozens of terrorists and occupiers, reinstatement of weapons deals, special minority status for billions in free money to powerful jewish companies, threats to cut funding for colleges that don’t halt all free speech and protest aimed against Israel, and the “clean out” policy of Palestine as part of an ethnic cleansing deal. When the President of Ireland calls for peace he is smeared in the media and accused of horrible things because one jewish woman was removed for screaming at his peace speech. There is a wicked evil here that hides behind victimhood and reparations, pretending weakness and poverty, in order to suck the life out of all living things. ARCHIVE (w. ads)SUBSCRIPTION ARCHIVEX / TWITTER FACEBOOKWEBSITEPAYPALCashApp: $rdgable EMAIL: [email protected] / [email protected] a supporter of this podcast: