A Dwelling Place for God, Tuesday
The SeedPod for Kids by Starting With Jesus - A podcast by Starting with Jesus
I LOVE camping! I bet you like to go camping too! The children of Israel were "camping" in the wilderness and God wanted to not just lead them by the pillar of cloud/fire, but He wanted to dwell with them. He wanted to LIVE among them. So God gave Moses some plans to build a sanctuary that He could dwell among them. We are going to learn more about this special house for God and the meaning of the daily rituals the priests were to carry out. Year A Quarter 3 Week 30All Bible verses are from the NKJVSanctuary Resources: Books and Posters by My Bible First: https://mybiblefirst.org/?module=products&func=product&id2=21Book: https://remnantpublications.com/books/children-youth/the-sanctuary-for-children.htmlOnline Explanation: https://kidsclubforjesus.org/bible-lessons-mbf-07.htmlOnline Visual/Audio Explanation: www.thetabernacleman.org Model of the Sanctuary: https://wrisan.com/product/tabernacle-model-kit-teaching-and-learning-resource-old-testament-gods-holiness/Paper Model: https://www.christianbook.com/paper-model-the-tabernacle-ages-and/9781596360280/pd/360283?en=google&event=SHOP&kw=church-supplies-0-20%7C360283&p=1179710&utm_source=google&dv=c&gclid=CjwKCAiA6seQBhAfEiwAvPqu1xAQwy4W31aA23VVUNoF97TaUnY8gE8cLNN8L9okTfvgzhBxK_3kHxoCnpgQAvD_BwEFree Printable Model: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/91760911140762145/Write to Ms. Katie: [email protected]’s Korner: https://startingwithjesus.com/katies-korner/Find the Lessons Here: Kindergarten https://bit.ly/SeedPodKLessonsPrimary https://bit.ly/SeedPodPLessonsConnect with Us:Website: https://startingwithjesus.comYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/StartingWithJesusInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/startingwithjesusFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/startingwithjesusAcknowledgments:Bible Readings this week: ExodusPodcast Producer: Katie ChitwoodSound Engineer: Dillon AustinAudio Editors: Asher Hodet and Alexander WinklerMy Bible First, https://bit.ly/SeedPodLesson for use of their Bible Lesson curriculum.AudioVerse, https://www.audioverse.org/ for partnering with us and supporting our ministry.Lindsey Mills, https://lindseymillsmusic.com/ for writing and performing our SeedPod Kids Theme Song & Background Music.