Episode 326 - Wide Wins, Knowing Your Readers, and Netflix is Calling
The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice - A podcast by Bryan Cohen and H. Claire Taylor: Self Publishing Author Entrepreneurs - Wednesdays
At what point in your Sales Page/Amazon Listing do you think you're losing your non-readers? What can you do to solve this problem? What was your process for coming to this conclusion? This week Bryan is getting ready for The Free 5-Day Amazon Ad Profit Challenge that starts July 13th. H. Claire Taylor also has some exciting things in the works for this summer, make sure to join her list. This week’s Super Charger Story Course Winner is Liz Alton. Thank you to our featured Patrons - Embracing the Magic, More than Monsters, and God and Gigs. The Top Tips of the week include what to do when thinking about going wide, where to submit your film ideas for Netflix, and why you should think about marketing your book first before anything else. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include what is happening with The Internet Archives, why Apple is being targeted for their Apple tax, why Author Alexandra Duncan cancelled her own novel, what influences a reader to pick up their next book, and why you shouldn’t be afraid of going wide. Question of the Week: At what point in your Sales Page/Amazon Listing do you think you're losing your non-readers? What action do you think you should take to fix it? What was your process for coming to this conclusion?