Episode 344 - Bookstore Busts, 2020 (re)Starts, and Series Page Madness!

The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice - A podcast by Bryan Cohen and H. Claire Taylor: Self Publishing Author Entrepreneurs - Wednesdays


This week we have a great show for you! Bryan and Claire have announced that they are going to be doing a webinar together on November 12th. Be sure to leave the show a review on Apple Podcast. This week’s winner is Lisa M. Lilly. Thank you to our featured Patrons - Love's Current, Sarah's Inheritance, and Cops And Planet Dead One Shot. Top Tips of the week include why to utilize editorial reviews on Amazon, what you need to know about the Netflix scam, and why you should read marketing blogs. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include what you need to know about Bookshop, what email list myth you need to know, which NYC famous bookstore is asking for help, why its never to late to break out as a new author, and who is handing over the control of series pages to authors. Question of the Week: How are you going to take advantage of KDP’s new Series Page manager?