The HSP Awakening Summit with Josh Speraneo
The Sensitive CEO Show - A podcast by Rose Cox

In this episode of The Sensitive CEO Show, I'm thrillecd to chat with previous podcast guest Josh Speraneo. Josh is the organiser of the much-awaited HSP Awakening Summit, along with co-host Jen Corcoran.The summit, scheduled for the first week of October, brings together a diverse group of highly sensitive people from all over the world to share their insights and expertise.The event aims to raise awareness, foster understanding, and encourage an awakening to the power and potential of high sensitivity.💝 Key TakeawaysThe HSP Awakening Summit is for everyone, catering to highly sensitive individuals and those interested in learning more about high sensitivity.The summit features around 24 HSP speakers, renowned leaders and experts in various fields.Daily themes include Learn (understanding high sensitivity), Grow (conscious parenting and supporting children), Sell (marketing and entrepreneurship for HSPs), Lead (embracing leadership as highly sensitive individuals), and Thrive (finding success and fulfilment as HSPs).The intention is to awaken participants to the gifts of high sensitivity, offering a positive perspective and empowering self-discovery.The event aims to create a supportive community, connecting attendees with like-minded individuals and experts in various fields.The summit hopes to impact younger generations, empowering them to embrace their high sensitivity from an early age and thrive in all aspects of life.📚 Resources MentionedThe HSP Awakening SummitEpisode 041: Success and Survival Skills for HSPs, Empaths, and Introverts with Josh SperaneoEpisode 027: Linked in for HSPs with Jen Corcoran🔗 Where You Can Find JoshWebsite: https://thesuccesscycle.comLinkedIn:🌹 Rose's ResourcesThe HSP Business School[FREE] HSP Archetype Quiz[FREE] Facebook Community for HSP Entrepreneurs