403: How To Pick The BEST Theme Words For 2020

The Shameless Mom Academy: Motherhood, Motivation, and Mindset Tips for Busy Moms - A podcast by Sara Dean


Not gonna lie….

For years I thought this whole notion of picking theme words for the year was too “woo woo” for me. 

I didn’t see the point.  At all.

But then, a few years ago, I heard a colleague talking about her words for the year: Space & Grace. 

And suddenly I was like, “I NEED THOSE WORDS IN MY LIFE #everydamnday!!!”

This was at a time in my life that I felt I had NO space and NO grace.  I was overwhelmed, living in a lot of unknowns, and burning the candle at both ends - with no end in sight. 

So, I borrowed these two little words - Space & Grace - for the year.  They mattered.  They helped me shift my perspective on my situation.  They gave me hope and encouragement and strength during a phase of life where I felt I had very little control.

Ever since then, I have chosen words for the year.  These words gift me intention and clarity focus.  They create a filter through which I can make decisions for the year.  They remind me who I am becoming. 

Listen in to hear how choosing theme words for the year might help you (a ton), how to go about picking the best words for your current life and dreams, and how to give yourself just enough space & grace to patiently let the right words come to you so they can have maximum impact on your year.

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