419: Exposure Therapy, Anxiety, and Power

The Shameless Mom Academy: Motherhood, Motivation, and Mindset Tips for Busy Moms - A podcast by Sara Dean


You  have probably heard the saying, “The only way out is through.” 

I would add to this that the only way into your power is through the pain and discomfort of growth.

Power, achievement, growth, and success only come from putting yourself in situations that push you in new ways.  And that can be ridiculously hard and scary.  For me, there are often nearly impossible nerves to overcome, a racing heart that makes me unable to speak, a belly that cannot stop flip-flopping, and legs that won’t stop shaking.

The more dramatic the symptoms, the more I know I’ll grow through the discomfort. 

Case in point: as I’ve taken up new challenges in skiing this year, I’ve experienced all the above symptoms very regularly.  And I hate it.  I hate it to the point that I get angry.  Also, I’m growing in the biggest ways since I started skiing - as a skier, an athlete, and a woman who is becoming more powerful in all areas of life through actively embracing fear.

It’s really hard.  But I’m HERE. FOR. IT.

If you want more power in your life you will have to get more uncomfortable.  You will have to do hard things.   There is no way around it.  It is only through the consistent exposure to scary and hard things that we get to see who we are becoming, how much potential we have for success, and what kind of true joy we are capable of creating for ourselves.

Listen in to hear how I’m using exposure therapy to face my biggest fears this year - and how it’s changing the game for me.

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