118. You're Worthy of Earning More Money with Belinda Rosenblum

The Launch Lounge Podcast - A podcast by Salome Schillack - Tuesdays


Hands up if you've been thinking about increasing your prices, but then those thoughts sneak in…   What if no one joins? What if all my hard work doesn't pay off? What if it turns out I did this all for nothing?   It’s time to talk about the money thing!   Today on The Shine Show, my money matters coach and founder of Own Your Money, Belinda Rosenblum, shares her incredible wisdom about developing a healthy relationship with finances.   Recovering overachiever Belinda is a CPA, a money strategist, and became a self-made millionaire by the age of 33. Between all of this, she somehow found the time to write several revolutionary books helping thousands of people to find certainty, security, and create the life of financial independence they deserve.   If you've ever felt apologetic when telling students your price, or you've been whacked with self-doubt after a series of refunds, OR you're working for what feels like nine days per week yet still barely seeing that bank account increase; today's episode is especially for you!   You attract what you believe, and today Belinda will show you exactly how to shift your mindset to start bringing in those dream students and feel confident when sharing your prices.   If you're ready to discover the keys to getting your finances in check and set yourself up for a financial breakthrough, this is one episode you cannot afford to miss!   Grab a cuppa and tune in to The Shine Show! Click here to tune into this week's episode of The Shine Show.   XXX Salome   P.S. Has today's episode inspired you to increase your prices? I'd love to celebrate with you! Jump over to my Instagram and let me know what steps you are taking to start charging what you're worth!