120. Build Your List Faster with Lead Ads

The Launch Lounge Podcast - A podcast by Salome Schillack - Tuesdays


We just stumbled across a loop in the Ads Matrix!  You might have been wondering what the heck is going on with conversion ads! Does it feel like overnight, the cost per lead has gazillion-upled? Surprisingly, Zuckerberg isn’t the one causing havoc behind the scene this time. It’s a result of some new iOS changes that have really just thrown a spanner in the works!  In a nutshell, the changes have allowed people the option to ‘opt-out’ of tracking, causing your Facebook pixel to go blind, making it more difficult (and pricey) for you to end up in your ideal customer’s line of sight!  But they've also opened up a glistening door of opportunity that leads to, well….LEADS! And here's the best part…..It has never been cheaper or faster to build your email list!  Cue: Lead Generation Ads! Want to get in on the list building ‘gold rush’ for yourself?  I've got you covered! Tune in to this week's Shine Show episode, where I spill all the tea from what's working right now, what's not, and how you can set up a lead generation ad that will fill your email list up with hot, hot leads while saving you a bunch of cashola along the way! Click here to tune into this week's episode of The Shine Show.