123. Creating Evergreen Funnels Your Students Will Love with Jack Born of Deadline Funnel

The Launch Lounge Podcast - A podcast by Salome Schillack - Tuesdays


We know urgency & scarcity works to drive up sales.   We also know it can feel very pushy and inauthentic to dish up fake timelines to an audience you really care about……   Well, I’ve found someone who has created a way for you to use ick-free urgency & increase your sales like crazy by using authentic cart close deadlines! His name is Jack Born, and he is the founder of Deadline Funnel (amongst a whole plethora of other incredible software programs that make life a heck-load easier for entrepreneurs worldwide by boosting sales and automating processes. We like Jack.)   And today, you’ll be meeting him on The Shine Show!   Jack’s brilliant invention has changed the game for thousands of online course creators, myself included! If you haven’t heard of Deadline Funnel before, get ready to have your world changed because here is the truth….   If you’re not using deadlines to drive sales, you’re throwing money down the drain!   If you’ve been ever-dreaming of evergreen-ing, wondering how you can increase those sales figures without having to live launch every 5 minutes and would like to learn how all the 6-figure plus course creators are turning fence-sitting leads into diehard fans, Jack is your man!   I know you’re going to be blown away by some of the juicy snippets Jack shares with me on the show! Grab a cuppa and tune in to the show HERE!   XXX Salome   P.S. Want to use urgency in your business, without feeling pushy? You need Deadline Funnel in your life! Protect your energy, save so much time, and boost sales like crazy. Check it out for yourself here!