124. How To Get To The Next Level in Your Business

The Launch Lounge Podcast - A podcast by Salome Schillack - Tuesdays


The things you surround yourself with won't serve you forever! But it can feel confusing trying to figure out what is adding value to your life and what has simply become an energy-sucking activity that's not pushing you in the right direction.    It's time for a bit of 'life pruning'.   Think of a lush, leafy, tall green tree. That tree didn't just become a masterpiece overnight; it required a lot of sunshine, good quality soil, and pruning off the dead branches to grow healthy and strong.   The same goes for you!   Today on The Shine Show, I want to help you step into the best NEXT version of yourself by giving you the framework for recognizing what branches you need to 'prune away' so you can grow faster, healthier, taller, and stronger.   We talk a lot about surrounding ourselves with all the good things, finding nourishing soil to 'plant' ourselves in, getting enough light and love to allow ourselves to flourish….but sometimes the pruning thing can be uncomfortable to think about.   Those dead branches can feel really comfortable and familiar! But keep those branches around, and you'll be at risk of stagnating and never reaching your full potential!    I won't lie. It can be uncomfortable and painful to cut off the branches that no longer serve you. However, I'll be here with you, sharing the advice that helped me protect my energy and end up in circles that invigorate and inspire me to thrive and grow in the right direction!   Grab your journal, get your favourite cuppa, and tune in to the show HERE!   XXX Salome    P.S If today’s episode resonates with you, and you’re now analyzing all the pools you’ve dived into, I would love to hear from you! DM me on Instagram (@salome.schillack) and let me know what steps you’re taking to find the pool that supports your dreams & desires, and a tribe that pushes you to get there!