149. How To Find Your People Online and Finally Start Making Sales

The Launch Lounge Podcast - A podcast by Salome Schillack


Get comfy because we’re going to take things back a notch today.  There are many unsexy things about running a business—tech problems, EDMs, spreadsheets galore, EDMs, researching, more EDMs, list building.  And I'm not sure about you, but building a list does not get me excited about jumping out of bed in the morning.  What does get me excited and motivates me to jump over ANY business hurdle in my way is my 'why'.  In my heart is a fire that wants to change how women work and earn money in the world. To help them have more freedom, flexibility, fun, and fat-wallets (and yes…. that's including you!) My 'why' is a secret source of energy that helps me keep moving forward, even when things are tough. And your 'why' can do the same for you too! So today, I want you to spend some time reconnecting with your why. The reason you started this whole online course journey in the first place. The unique way you hope to see the world operating one day once you've helped others solve a particular problem. You've got a gift to share with the world. You've got some incredible knowledge. You've been through some pretty significant stuff that will significantly help others. And you've got a desire to get your freedom back. Your vision is totally possible. The success you dream of is closer than you think. But the nitty-gritty, boring things need to happen to get you there….aka list building. So let's spend some time dreaming up your big, world-changing ideas and reigniting the passion in your heart that will drive you to get there! XXX Salome P.S. A-Lister doors are officially OPEN! If you want to put a little rocket fuel on your why and reach your dream students even faster, come and join the Flapper Club and learn the easy way to build a lucrative audience full of dream students. Secure your place at the current rate before prices increase forever. Join the party here.