2 keys to showing up for yourself

the SHOW UP society podcast - A podcast by tammie bennett

157. want to show up for yourself more often? i'm giving you 2 important keys to do so.  1. knowing what you want and owning your weird.2. once you know what you want, feeling comfortable speaking it out loud. if you can master those two keys, you can change your life.  you'll become someone who knows exactly what you want, even when it's different from what you've been taught.  and you'll feel more confident in voicing what you desire without worrying about upsetting other people.  that equals FREEDOM, friend!i can help you feel better and get more done in 6 months. if you loved what i talked about in this episode, you're going to love working with me. want to see if we are a good fit for 1:1 coaching? go to https://showupsociety.com/coaching and schedule a consult. if 1:1 isn't your thing, but you DO want to get sh!t done in an easy, affordable way, join my group coaching program, the show up society to go join my newsletter for 1-2 times a week tips, fun links, and inside scoop.hang out with me on instagram @showupsociety