5 must-haves for success

the SHOW UP society podcast - A podcast by tammie bennett

169.  i've been coaching people for over 14 years and i've compiled a list of 5 must-haves for success.  the great news is that all of these are learnable skills, so no worries if you don't quite have them yet.  you can get there. 1. willingness to see your wins2. willingness to try things (and stay unattached to the outcome)3. willingness to believe in yourself and your goal/project (even if it looks like it isn't happening)4. willingness to not let other people's opinions keep you from taking action5. willingness to not trash talk yourselfnotice a pattern here?  they all start with willingness.  you just have to be willing.** i also talk about my new website - have you seen it?i can help you feel better and get more done in 6 months. if you loved what i talked about in this episode, you're going to love working with me. want to see if we are a good fit for 1:1 coaching? go to https://showupsociety.com/coaching and schedule a consult. if 1:1 isn't your thing, but you DO want to get sh!t done in an easy, affordable way, join my group coaching program, the show up society to go join my newsletter for 1-2 times a week tips, fun links, and inside scoop.hang out with me on instagram @showupsociety