how to do scary uncomfortable things

the SHOW UP society podcast - A podcast by tammie bennett - Wednesdays

202.  can you relate to this?  i signed up for a personal trainer and it still took me about 2 months to go to the gym.  i was scared of so many things. so i did what i tell my clients to do. i found the tiniest, safest, most doable step and i did that. it broke the seal and i was able to get my buns into the gym. and now i even hunt down new gyms when i'm traveling!i give you several other examples of people making their goals happen by breaking down the fears holding them back. i can help you feel better and get more done in 6 months. if you loved what i talked about in this episode, you're going to love working with me. want to see if we are a good fit for 1:1 coaching? go to and schedule a consult. if 1:1 isn't your thing, but you DO want to get sh!t done in a supportive, fun group, then get your buns inside the show up society - a membership community for people who want to be in control of their lives so they can have more fun while getting it done. join my newsletter for 1-2 times a week tips, fun links, and inside scoop.hang out with me on instagram @showupsociety