098 Flight of a Wild Duck with Co-Founder of Intel Capital, Avram Miller
The Silicon Valley Podcast - A podcast by Shawn Flynn

Avram Miller served as Vice President, Business Development for Intel Corporation for over a decade, where he was the driving force behind Intel’s successful initiative to establish residential broadband Internet access. In 1991, he co-founded Intel Capital, which became one of the top corporate venture capital groups in the world. When USA Today profiled Miller in March 1996, it referred to him as “A One Man Think Tank” and in the same article, Brian Roberts, CEO of Comcast, gave Miller “much of the credit” for the development of the cable modem. We Talk About What was the mission and goals for Intel Capital? What does it mean to invest in a beautiful house in a bad neighborhood or a bad house in a beautiful neighborhood? How important Is a succession plan in a company? If one was born today, how should they go about getting an education? Connect with Avram Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/avram/ For Book For more information, visit: www.twothirdsdone.com and www.wildduckflight.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Publicity Contacts: Mallory Campoli || Erin Reback Cipiti 856-489-8654 x1030 || x1021 [email protected] [email protected]