How To Fertilize Hanging Baskets - Keep Your Baskets Blooming Big All Summer!
The Simple Garden Life - A podcast by Simple Garden Life
See how to fertilize your hanging baslets like a pro! Jim and Mary walk listeners through how to fertilize their baskets low and slow - and how it can help keep flowering baskets blooming big all summer long!There is little doubt about it - how, when and what you use to fertilize your hanging baskets can make a huge difference in just how well they bloom this year. And perhaps even more importantly - for just how long into summer or fall you can keep your baskets flowering big.If there is one thing that gardeners struggle with, it's keeping their hanging baskets blooming all summer long. For many, although their baskets might start out strong and beautiful in the spring - by mid-summer, they begin to suddenly appear weak and feeble.See how fertilziing your baskets with a simple one-two punch on a conisten basis can keep your baskets flowering big all season long.