The 7 Codes to Reclaim Your Feminine Power with Amy Natalie Pamensky

The Spiritual Hustler - A podcast by Jessica Zweig

 "The most powerful thing a woman can do is trust herself. When you listen to your intuition, everything shifts." – Amy NatalieToday on The Spiritual Hustler:Sign up for the FEMININE WEALTH UNLOCK —my new FREE 3-day event!Feminine vs. Masculine energy: How to create balance without burnoutThe 7 Feminine Codes from The Feminine Way—and how they can change your lifeHow emotional alchemy can help you move through pain and reclaim your powerWhy embracing seasons of life (fall, winter, spring, summer) is key to expansionThe importance of sisterhood, support, and healing the world through feminine leadershipFollow Amy:IG:@amynicolecoGet Amy’s book The Feminine Way.Amy’s Podcast The Feminine FrequencyWork with Amy: amynatalieco.comFollow Jessica:IG: @jessicazweigOrder my BOOK:  THE LIGHT WORKBooks Mentioned:The Surrender Experiment by Michael A. SingerA Return to Love by Marianne Williamson