Measuring consumer's emotional response - The Six Sells Podcast with Scott Brown, CEO, Immersion

The Six Sells Podcast - A podcast by Mike Nicholson


In this episode of The Six Sells Podcast, Mike Nicholson talks to Scott Brown, CEO, of Immersion. Immersion helps marketers to measure consumers' emotional response to advertising and predict their resulting behaviours. In the attention economy, our industry is fast moving towards eye-tracking studies to see what consumers look at, but with Immersion, you can also measure what a consumer felt. Measuring Oxytocin and Dopamine and their effect on our hearts via a smartwatch is a game-changer for brands who want to understand how their advertising makes people feel. The DDBO case study showed that Immersion could predict, with 83% accuracy, which advertisements would create the largest sales bumps. Anybody involved in media, marketing, and advertising should listen to this podcast carefully. ****** About Six Sells: Our mission at Six Sells is to help your sellers to get the attention of more of your ideal clients, more often, using social media and content. Sellers is a term that refers to anybody from the CEO down, with a client-facing role and an interest in the revenue number. Our training and content support helps your sellers to build their personal brands, which leads to professional success. How do we do it? 1 - Training - helping your client-facing people to better leverage social media as a sales, marketing, and PR channel. (Never any cold spam!) 2 - Content Strategy - we help you to create a client-focused content strategy that gives your messaging consistency across all of your sellers. 3 - Content - We ghost-write bespoke content for your sellers on a consistent, frequent basis, which helps them deliver your content strategy in their own voice. Feel free to connect with founder, Mike Nicholson, if you have any questions - [email protected]