The Skeptic Zone #206 - 29.Sep.2012
The Skeptic Zone - A podcast by Richard Saunders
0:00:00 Introduction Richard Saunders 0:05:30 A Grain of Salt with Eran Segev Hear Eran's address to TAM 2012 about the acton taken to support Dr Ken Harvey 0:24:50 Maynard's Spooky Action.. Maynard chats to one of the people behind the facebook page "Australian Phenomena". Is Australia being invaded by UFOs and big red woman or little green men? Find out more with Maynard. 0:32:45 A Penny for your Thoughts with Penny Chan The IIG Awards - The Independent Investigations Group 0:39:00 Music by Gary Stockdale - "Harmony" 0:43:45 A chat with Linley Kissick from the Victorian Skeptics Linley give us more informatioin about the upcoming Australian Skeptics Convention.