The Skeptic Zone #270 - 21.Dec.2013
The Skeptic Zone - A podcast by Richard Saunders
Introduction Richard Saunders and Stefan Sojka 0:05:26 Maynard's Spooky Action... Interviews with delegates and guests at the Australian Skeptics Convention. This week Maynard chats to... Prof. Chris French Ruth Ellison and Alastair D'Silva Jo Alabaster 0:23:25 Dr Rachie Reports... with Dr Rachael Dunlop Dr Rachie and Richard take a look at the big events of 2013 0:32:30 A Week in Science The Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) is a national scientific not-for-profit organisation with a mission to bring science to people and people to science. 0:36:20 Predictions for 2013 Richard and Stefan take a look at the 'psychic' predictions that were made for 201