The Skeptic Zone #286 - 13.April.2014
The Skeptic Zone - A podcast by Richard Saunders
Introduction Richard Saunders 0:05:15 Press release from Australian Skeptics The press release from Australian Skeptics on the National Health & Medical Research Council draft information paper on the effectiveness of homeopathy. 0:12:20 Homeopathy Awareness Week Lauren Cochrane from the Canberra Skeptics reads the information from this new web site. 0:18:00 Science vs. Homeopathy Audio of a short TV debate between Professor John Dwyer and Australian Homeopathic Association's Ana Lamaro 0:21:10 We can't have it both ways on homeopathy Opinion piece by Dr Ken Harvey 0:28:50 Evidence, Please. Jo Alabaster with news on the Better Health Channel's web posting on homeopathy. 0:35:05 Press release from Homeopathy Plus A response to the findings of the National Health & Medical Research Council 0:41:00 A Week in Science The Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) is a national scientific not-for-profit organisation with a mission to bring science to people and people to science. 0:44:35 Dr Rachie Reports with Dr Rachael Dunlop Acupuncture jumping the gun. Acupuncture in emergency departments. Bad science and bad practice.