The Skeptic Zone #373 - 13.Dec.2015
The Skeptic Zone - A podcast by Richard Saunders
0:00:00IntroductionRichard Saunders 0:06:00The "ESP" PodcstAn interview with the movers and shakers of the European Skeptics Podcast - András Gábor Pintér, Jelena Levin and Pontus Böckman. 0:16:30Chickenpox outbreak at “tolerant” Victorian schoolReport from Australian Skeptics Inc.. 0:25:12A Week in ScienceThe Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) is a national scientific not-for-profit organisation with a mission to bring science to people and people to science. 0:28:18Maynard's Spooky Action.. Maynard heads for Sydney Skeptics in the Pub and chats with guest speaker Ross Balch about Viruses and other tiny things. 0:40:13Evidence Please... with Jo AlabasterJo looks at so-called psychics with their so-called preditctions (cough.. guesses) for the coming year. Can Skeptics do any better?