#032 - How To Sleep Better and Wake up Fresher

The Skill Stack Podcast - A podcast by Ray Mclennan


How To Sleep Better and Wake up Fresher Do you or anyone you know, have sleep "issues"? It's a very common problem and one that I can say used to affect me badly...but for the last 20 years I have slept soundly every night and woken up at the same time every day without an alarm clock.  Here's how I do it and the good news is that you can do it as well. It is usually fear of something that stops us from falling asleep or if we wake up in the middle of the night, it can be the fear of something that keeps us awake and keeps our mind "spinning". On the two-day courses I have asked people to use these techniques (called the pathway to sleep - created by Jack Black at Mindstore.com) to get a good night sleep and wake up fresher. Here is the pathway to sleep. 1. Create a house in your mind. Ideally in the country. Make it as big or as small as you like. You design it. It's your ideal house. 2. Within the house create a room, a big comfortable bedroom called the sleeping quarters. Make it as luxurious as you wish. 3. In the room have a big comfortable bed and at the end of the bed have a wall with a huge clock face on it for setting the time to wake up. 4. When you go to bed at night and prepare for sleep, visit this house and enter the sleeping quarters. Sit on the bed and take 3 deep breaths. 5. In your minds eye, look at the clockface on the wall and see the hands move to a time when you want to wake up. Make it 06:11 or 06:43  It doesn't have to be on the hour or half hour. (Do NOT use an alarm clock as back-up!) 6. Fall back into the bed. Take another 3 deep breaths. Relax from head to toe. Each time say, "I am falling into a deep, deep sleep".  So Relax my head - I am falling into a deep, deep sleep.  Relax my face - I am falling into a deep, deep sleep...and so on all the way to your feet and toes. 7. Wake. Check the time and laugh because It Only Works!! Now 7 things ti remember from the podcast 1. The brain can only process one conscious thought at a time so use positive self-talk when facing up to your fears 2. Fear exists only in the mind. Take action and step into what you fear and you will discover it no longer exists. 3. Do away with your alarm clock and set your own opportunity clock in your mind within your sleeping quarters 4. Use the Pathway to sleep every night and you will get better at it and your quality of sleep will improve. 5. Take advantage of waking up early to get up, go for a morning walk or read a motivational book. (If you don't normally do this, put a note beside your bed as a reminder. 6. Keep a notebook by your bed to record ideas that come to you. 7. Take a note of your dreams to harness more of your creative capacity. All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important. For all the underlying links and transcript, go to: www.TheSkillStack.com/podcast You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack email us on: [email protected]

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