Is it all bad? In praise of social media...

The Small & Supercharged Podcast - A podcast by Rhea Freeman - Wednesdays


Have you noticed? Every time social media is mentioned in the news lately, it's for something bad, isn't it? This publicity then increases people's fear around it's use- and I get it- but we need to remember that the issues that make the news are in the minority, that social media will continue to be a part of our lives... and that burying our heads in the sand won't solve anything... and that's what this podcast is all about. The main issue for me is that it's not the platform's fault. It's like blaming paper for what journalists write, it's the conduit for the badness. The badness comes from people who use it. They are the problem. I do understand the fear, particularly when we look at the younger generation and their use of it moving forward, but deciding to ban something that can be so beneficial isn't the answer. Or, at least, I don't think it is...