What are your 'tribe' doing to you?

The Small & Supercharged Podcast - A podcast by Rhea Freeman - Wednesdays


Have you heard that quote that says you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with? It turns out that that number might be slightly more than five (recent research suggests), but I believe, wholeheartedly, that the people we surround ourselves with have a HUGE impact on us. Not just in terms of how we feel and what we do, but also on achieving our goals and potential, striving for more and having a happier life. Tribes go back a long way, and today's tribes aren't quite the same as they used to be, but they do still impact us in every area of our lives. On today's episode, I talk about the influence those close to us can have- and that includes people we follow on social media- and how this awareness can help us in big ways...