Recruitment should be run like an amazing marketing campaign. TSHS – 043
The Social Hotelier - A podcast by Sam-Erik Ruttmann
Digital era recruitment Treat the recruitment like modern marketing of your hotel. The Human Resources Manager position has been renamed by many companies to Director of Talent Acquisition. The Director of Talent Acquisition is in charge of the digital era recruitment, and onboarding Think like a marketer and consider the importance of selling the Destination and the Dream. Sell the Destination • Don't sell your hotel right right away, sell the destination first. • People have to have the desire to go to your destination where you are, before they could consider choosing your hotel as a place to work. • Broadly think about why people would want to work in the hospitality industry, not just your hotel. or the long-term benefits of working in the industry. • Why would people even want to do this for work in the first place? Sell the Dream • Once they found the destination, sell the dream. Only then can you start to look at your story and marketing of it. The Brand Story and the Marketing • What does your story say about your hotel as a place to work? • They want to work for companies that they feel good about. • Does your brand story tell a good story about working for you? • Does your story tell a good story about your brand, about your business, about the hotel industry in a way that your hotel would be a place where people want to work in the first place. Recruitment and media companies Treat recruitment as modern marketing like media companies do. Your customers and your employees rather carry the internet in their pocket. They know everything about your place of work and they want to be looking for meaning, looking for a place where they can feel at home and feel like they make a difference and feel like they can contribute to a better world. • What are you doing to help tell that story and as you get the story together then you need to reach potential candidates where they spend their time. • Think about how you use content marketing. • Think about how to use LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, tiktok and YouTube and all the other channels to tell the story of why you're a great place to work. • Go to those social media channels where your employees and your future employees spend their time. • We use these tools to reach customers today. Why wouldn't we do the same to reach potential employees? • Best part of thinking about it this way is that it works for employees regardless of whether their job requires them to be in person or if it allows them to work remotely or some hybrid. Learn more about digital marketing. CLICK THIS LINK 11 things that matter, The Story CLICK THIS LINK